Get Out is a very well-constructed psychological thriller that keeps you engaged from start to finish. Following a brief intro scene that sets the ominous tone of the movie the story starts with an interracial couple Chris and Rose played by Daniel Kaluuya and Allison Williams having pillow talk and planning a weekend trip to visit her family who happen to be white but very open to diversity; much to Chris's pessimism. Race is immediately introduced as a central theme in this movie and quickly rears its ugly head following an incident on the highway involving a police officer.
Once the two reach her family's secluded home all appears well and events unfold as Rose said they would. Chris gets pulled into a tour highlighting culturally significant artifacts from around the globe and awkward statements on race, learns her mother is a psychiatrist specializing in hypnosis, and meets her nutty ass brother. Thanks to Rose's preparation Chris plays it cool and survives the afternoon.